Refugee crisis
Winterization effort underway
Refugee crisis
As of the second half of November 2015 the migrant crisis response of Habitat Macedonia has been extended with an intervention of providing equipment and installation for heating of several key shelters in the transit center on the Greece-Macedonia border, including power generator and high power cabling to Habitat’s, UNICEF’s and one of UNHCR’s rub halls. The intervention is a part of the joint effort of the Government of Macedonia and several other organizations to prepare the transit centers for the upcoming winter.
At the same time and for the purpose of coordinated and efficient allocation of resources, Habitat Macedonia initiated several partnerships or other forms of collaboration with organizations that have strong emergency response components in their programs. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and separately Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) are expected to join Habitat efforts and provide additional funding for some of the infrastructure/shelter related interventions. It is planned this collaboration to be formalized with MoUs.
Habitat Macedonia closely monitors the shelter related needs in the transit centers and has plans to extend its operations to the Macedonia-Serbia border as well.
![Click Click](../images/refugees/02_thumb.jpg) Winterization effort underway
![Click Click](../images/refugees/03_thumb.jpg) Winterization effort underway
![Click Click](../images/refugees/04_thumb.jpg) Winterization effort underway