Workshop Housing loan product development
Habitat for Humanity Macedonia under initiative of Habitat for Humanity International hosted a 5 day workshop in Ohrid 4th to 8th of June 2007.
The training was an Introduction to Market Research and Housing Product Development for Microfinance institutions provided by Amy Davis Kruize, associate consultant for IDEAS Network. Representatives from six different organizations took active part in this 5 day workshop. There were representatives from the Europe and Central Asia regional office of Habitat for Humanity, Horizonti, Moznosti (OI partner) and Habitat for Humanity from Macedonia, and Nachala and Habitat Sofia from Bulgaria.
Through lectures, practical examples and field work all participants have learned to focus the market study, using the process of Market Research and Product Development. During the field practice in Bitola participants have practiced previously learned techniques of qualitative research, emphasizing the application of ranking questions, probing questions and the roles of the facilitator and the note-taker in focus group meetings.
This was first workshop of this kind in the region, organized by Habitat, with very positive results that are reflected immediately in the work of all organizations that took part.