New Horizons for Collaborative Efforts in Europe
Excellent news were received in Habitat Macedonia in mid-January 2020 regarding rare collaborative efforts: three projects submitted by European consortia where Habitat Macedonia or its subsidiary Habidom are being partners, were simultaneously awarded by the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, called Horizon 2020.
Тhe approval was given to initiatives that basically link housing with energy: to the project named Community Tailored Actions for Energy Poverty Mitigation, proposed by a consortium led by HFH Area Office in Bratislava, with partners from 9 European countries; then to the project: Award Excellence, Invest in Trust: Tailored Energy Management Services for East European Local Authorities, proposed by a consortium led by the Bulgarian Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect, with partners from 8 European countries; and finally to the project: Tailored Measures Supporting Energy Vulnerable Households, proposed by a consortium led by the University of Cork from Ireland, with partners from 12 European countries. Partner in the latest project is Habidom, Habitat Macedonia’s licensed company for residential buildings management.
Households or local governments from eight Macedonian municipalities are foreseen to be included in the activities proposed with these projects: Karposh, Kavadaraci, Kichevo, Kochani, Aerodrom, Centar, Kisela Voda and Djorche Petrov.