Our Partners
Moznosti Savings House
The microfinance institution Moznosti, member of the global microfinance network Opportunity International, is Habitat for Humanity’s longest-running housing microfinance partner in the region of Europe, Middle East and Africa, with the partnership program being active since 2005. Initially called Home Improvement Fund the program provides access to affordable funds for repairs, reconstructions and renovations of substandard housing. Loans are offered to low-income families throughout the country in rural as well as urban areas. Beside contributing to the joint fund, Habitat Macedonia provides guidance, construction technical advice and monitoring during the construction.
The partnership with the microfinance organization Horizonti, formerly CRS affiliate in Macedonia, focuses on assisting the Roma population and other marginalized groups in Macedonia. Since 2008 loans are being apptroved for roof reconstruction, adding toilets and running water, room additions, heating systems, insulation and replacing doors and windows. More of 90 percent of the loans beneficiaries of this program are woman. As with the first MFI partnership, Habitat Macedonia contributes to the joint fund and provides construction technical advice during the construction. In addition, Habitat Macedonia created educational materials for the borrowers to support self-building.