Collaboration briefing
High level briefing on REE and climate change
Multi-stakeholder collaboration briefing on climate change and residential energy efficiency took place on Habitat Macedonia’s construction site in Veles on June 24, 2021, with high level participation that included Rick Hathaway, HFH Vice President for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Fatmir Bytyqi, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Irena Stefoska, Minister of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia, Erik Janowsky, Country Representative of USAID/North Macedonia, Ace Kocevski, the Mayor of Veles and Zoran Kostov, National Director of Habitat Macedonia.

Habitat for Humanity International’s position on housing and climate change was referred as one out of many recently announced documents that recommend raising the climate change and residential energy efficiency issues higher on the agenda of central and local governments. The necessary improvements of the regulatory framework and creation of financial incentives, programs and funds in order to facilitate investment in REE were also mentioned, along with the role of the civic sector and socially motivated investors in dealing with energy poverty and the needs of the vulnerable groups.

Following the discussion the participants had an opportunity to make their own symbolic contribution towards reducing Habitat Macedonia new builds’ environmental impact. The hands-on experience on the construction site included installation of thermal insulation panels, projected to improve the energy efficiency of Habitat’s sixth apartment building with 12 apartments that is currently under construction in Veles.