Nationwide housing database converted into web app
New Habitat Macedonia web tool was presented to nationwide audience on February 15, 2022. The effort was praised by a number of central and local government officials that attended the online event.

The nationwide Registry od apartment buildings and apartments, a multi-year project that Habitat Macedonia implements after the Macedonian municipalities failed to fulfil their legal obligation to develop such registries themselves, has been brought to a higher level after the newly developed web tool under the REELIH project combined these data and introduced various cross-reference options.
The newly developed application contains up to 98 parameters per each multi-family apartment building from the registry, in 33 municipalities where the registry is completed. The heating energy demand analysis is currently being performed and is finished for 4 municipalities, with an additional 115 parameters per multi-family apartment building. As of February 2022 there are 4500 buildings with more than 120000 apartments in the database.
The parameters collected by Habitat Macedonia include basic characteristics of each building, such as its building geometry, year of build, type of building materials used, condition of various systems in the building, type of building management, etc., while the web tool's options, with the expanded heating energy demand assessment analysis, also include the buildings’ current annual heating energy demand, potential annual energy savings by performing various energy efficiency measures on the building envelope resulting in relevant information, such as size of the investment for each measure, potential energy and financial annual savings for each measure, potential reduction in greenhouse gasses emissions, profitability of each measure, etc. This information can be very beneficial for the homeowners, as well as various public and private sector actors. With the web tool and its search options, the access to the information is greatly improved.