Habitat for Humanity Macedonia
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News & Events


Regional REELIH project focuses on establishing “eco-system” of stakeholders

The months-long work of the Commission for Amending the Law on Housing, with substantial involvement and support from Habitat Macedonia, gained particular attention with the multi-stakeholder debate organized on December 7, 2022. read more...


Key debate on the Housing Law

Jointly organized by HFH EME and Habitat Macedonia under the REELIH project, the two day webinar titled: Energy efficiency and residential buildings management in Central and Eastern Europe: analytical approach in scaling up renovation of multi-apartment buildings, has been organized as an online promotional event on June 1-2, 2022. read more...


Nationwide housing database converted into web app

New Habitat Macedonia web tool was presented to nationwide audience on February 15, 2022. The effort was praised by a number of central and local government officials that attended the online event. read more...


Gratitude and support for Habitat Macedonia

The first visit to Habitat Macedonia for Rick Hathaway, Habitat for Humanity International’s Vice President for Europe, Middle East and Africa, was an opportunity to meet the Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski. read more...

newsCollaboration briefing

High level briefing on REE and climate change

Multi-stakeholder collaboration briefing on climate change and residential energy efficiency took place on Habitat Macedonia’s construction site in Veles on June 24, 2021, with high level participation that included Rick Hathaway, HFH Vice President for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Fatmir Bytyqi, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Irena Stefoska, Minister of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia, Erik Janowsky, Country Representative of USAID/North Macedonia, Ace Kocevski, the Mayor of Veles and Zoran Kostov, National Director of Habitat Macedonia. read more...


Urbanization of Shuto Orizari underway

More than 17,000 inhabitants of the municipality of Shuto Orizari, on the outskirts of the capital Skopje, are finally assured that their quarters are going to be urbanized according to the law, after Habitat Macedonia selected two reputable companies to develop detailed urban plans for more than 150 hectares (1.5 million sq.m.) of densely populated area with slum-like neighborhoods. read more...


Wienerberger and Habitat Macedonia join efforts in Veles

The municipality that is hosting several of Habitat Macedonia’s programs and projects has welcomed another initiative, this time of the corporate giant Wienerberger. read more...


Home building during pandemic: U.S. Ambassador volunteers in Veles

With Habitat for Humanity’s international volunteer program suspended due to the COVID-19 there was no better demonstration of commitment to fight the devastating effects of the pandemic than helping those in need get their new homes completed in time despite the odds. This is what Kate Marie Byrnes, U.S. Ambassador to North Macedonia, did in mid-August 2020. read more...


Support for Nationwide Buildings Typology and Energy Assessment

The long anticipated nationwide energy performance assessment of the residential buildings in Macedonia has been set to start in February 2020, after the two main supporters of the project, the national Fund for Innovation and Technology Development and Habitat Macedonia confirmed their financial contributions. read more...


New Horizons for Collaborative Efforts in Europe

Excellent news were received in Habitat Macedonia in mid-January 2020 regarding rare collaborative efforts: three projects submitted by European consortia where Habitat Macedonia or its subsidiary Habidom are being partners, were simultaneously awarded by the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, called Horizon 2020. read more...


Sustainable Urban Development of Roma Communities

After signing the grant contract at the end of October 2019, all relevant stakeholders of the new EU funded project titled Sustainable Urban Development of Roma Communities were invited by Habitat Macedonia to meet during the kick-off meeting held on December 18, 2019 in Skopje. read more...


Habitat Macedonia projects in UNECE best practices report

Two Habitat Macedonia projects have been included in the Compendium of best practices on standards and technologies for energy efficiency in buildings in the UNECE region, published in August 2019 by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. read more...


Habitat Macedonia representatives welcomed by the President of Macedonian Parliament

High level delegation of Habitat Macedonia was given a special opportunity on May 21, 2019, to present its housing advocacy related engagements and initiatives to the President of the Macedonian Parliament Talat Xhaferi. read more...


Habitat Macedonia tops volunteer scoring in EMEA region

The area office of Habitat for Humanity for Europe, Middle East and Africa released the newest (calendar year 2018) evaluation statistics for the national programs that host international volunteers, better known as Global Village teams. read more...

newsFeatured article

Habitat Macedonia’s work featured in Financial Times

Heating an apartment can cost up to half the average salary — but Habitat for Humanity is helping to fix that, says the author Valerie Hopkins in the article that describes a decade long work of Habitat Macedonia on improving the energy efficiency in the Macedonian residential sector. read more...


Municipality of Veles’ highest recognition for Habitat Macedonia

Habitat Macedonia has been awarded the highest recognition, the Plaque 9th of November, for contributing to Municipality of Veles’ national and international affirmation, especially in the field of promoting human values and volunteerism. The award was presented by Ace Kocevski, the Mayor of Veles, at the ceremonial event held on November 9th, 2018. read more...


World Habitat Day

The United Nations with a resolution of the General Assembly, began marking the World Habitat Day in 1985. Every first Monday in the month of October is the day when the significance of the housing is marked, as a basis for development and prosperity. read more...


Welcome in our warm home!

Mišto alen ko amaro kher! - says Aneta Azir, smiling and meeting us at the entrance of her home. The home that altered by its beauty and calmness compared to the neighboring houses in the Roma block. Aneta is young ambitious and likeable woman. She welcomed us smiling and saluted us in Roma language - “welcome to our warm home”. read more...


Habitat Macedonia received the Energy Globe award

The Austrian Energy Globe Foundation recognized internationally the ten-year involvement of Habitat Macedonia in the energy efficiency sector by awarding the organization with the Energy Globe Award for national level achievements. The awarded project: Energy-efficient homes for low-income families, has been initially started by Habitat Macedonia in 2009. read more...


Wienerberger and Habitat for Humanity Extend Partnership Third Time

Wienerberger group, one of the world’s leading producers of construction materials and Habitat for Humanity International, an international housing charity are pleased to announce another three-year extension of their partnership. read more...


Energy Globe Award for Habitat Macedonia

On the occasion of June 5th, World Environment Day, Habitat Macedonia’s 10-year engagement in the sector of residential energy efficiency has been awarded for national level achievements by the Austria based Energy Globe Foundation. The awarded project, named: Energy Efficient Homes for Low-Income Households, has been initially developed by Habitat Macedonia back in 2009. read more...


Saint-Gobain and Habitat Macedonia Volunteer Day

A volunteer day, organized by a joint team of Saint-Gobain and Habitat Macedonia employees, took place at the construction site of the Association of Pensioners in Kavadarci, Central Macedonia on March 20, 2018. read more...

newsClosing conference for the project

Developing Sustainable Models for Roma Employability

The Roma community remains one of the most marginalized and disadvantaged groups in Macedonia. In 2007, Habitat Macedonia founded the Housing Fund for Roma, and since then has developed various program activities dedicated to improving the living conditions of Roma. read more...

newsHousing market development

Investment potential of Macedonian apartment buildings

High level expert panel on market development in the housing sector, with particular focus on energy efficiency, has been organized by Habitat Macedonia on December 11, 2017. read more...


Volunteering team from Henkel in Macedonia

Giving people in need a safe home - this is the goal of the “Welcome Home” program, which Henkel’s Adhesives for Consumers, Craftsmen and Building business area has started in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity. Through its collaboration with Habitat for Humanity, Henkel is contributing towards improving the lives of the local communities. read more...

newsHousing market development

Two years in residential building management business

Habidom DOOEL Skopje, residential building management company established by Habitat Macedonia as part of its Business plan 2016-2018, aims towards quality service improvement in management and maintenance of multi-apartment buildings read more...

newsNew Builds Program

Fifth Apartment Building Dedicated in Veles

One of the flagship programs of Habitat Macedonia – its New Build project in Veles marked another achievement: the fifth multi-apartment building for low-income families was dedicated on July 11, 2017. read more...


Promotion of Baseline Studies on Roma Housing in the Municipalities of Chair, Prilep and Shtip

Habitat Macedonia as part of the project "Roma Housing Rights for Sustainable Urban Development" promoted the three Baseline Studies on Roma Housing of the population living in the Municipalities of Chair, Prilep and Shtip. read more...

newsNew project

Developing sustainable models for Roma employability – Habitat Macedonia’s new EU funded project

The Roma community remains one of the most marginalized and disadvantaged groups in Macedonia. In 2007, Habitat Macedonia established the Roma Housing Fund, and since then we have developed different program activities devoted to the improving of the living conditions of the Roma. read more...


Recognition for contribution in the development and promotion of volunteerism

Habitat for Humanity Macedonia was awarded with a Recognition for the long years of contribution in the development and promotion of volunteerism in the Republic of Macedonia. The Recognition was awarded by the National Council for Development of Volunteerism & the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Republic of Macedonia. read more...

newsTerwilliger Center for
Innovation in Shelter

Focusing on Housing market development in Macedonia

With Habitat Macedonia’s Business plan 2015-2018 having housing sector in its focus, the organization’s program portfolio has been recently expanded with a new project aimed at supporting equity investments for housing market development. The project has been selected by Habitat for Humanity International’s Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter, officially launched in Quito, Ecuador, at the Habitat III conference last month. read more...


World Habitat Day

On World Habitat Day, the first Monday of October, Habitat Macedonia joins the United Nations and other organizations around the world in raising awareness, educating and mobilizing individuals and communities to take action on the global housing crisis. read more...


Habitat Macedonia in the
Solid Ground campaign

What is most essential to helping any family live in safe, decent, affordable housing? It’s something that’s obvious, but many people may never give it much thought – land. Unfortunately, most people around the world have no rights to land on which to live. read more...

newsNew project

Roma Housing Rights for Sustainable Urban Development

Roma Housing Rights for Sustainable Urban Development Project was launched in December 2015 and financed under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) tool. The aim of the project is to enhance the involvement and participation of the Roma community in the processes of social inclusion in housing. read more...


Habitat for Humanity Macedonia and Municipality of Gazi Baba signed Memorandum for Cooperation

Habitat Macedonia is supporting the process of registering apartment buildings on the whole territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The registration of apartment buildings undertaken by Habitat Macedonia includes obligatory data by the Housing Law, and data of basic construction and energetic characteristics of the buildings. The research on the apartment buildings is expected to be valuable source of information for the municipalities, national institutions, civil society and business sectors, and especially for the homeowners of apartments in apartment buildings. The activity has already been completed in 3 pilot municipalities during 2015, and Habitat for Humanity Macedonia continues with the realization of this project in other municipalities around Macedonia. One of the first with which these project activities continue is Municipality of Gazi Baba. read more...

newsRefugee crisis

Winterization effort underway

As of the second half of November 2015 the migrant crisis response of Habitat Macedonia has been extended with an intervention of providing equipment and installation for heating of several key shelters in the transit center on the Greece-Macedonia border, including power generator and high power cabling to Habitat’s, UNICEF’s and one of UNHCR’s rub halls. The intervention is a part of the joint effort of the Government of Macedonia and several other organizations to prepare the transit centers for the upcoming winter. read more...

newsEurope Housing Forum

3rd Europe Housing Forum Closes
Call for Integrated EU Policy Approach

The 3rd Europe Housing Forum, which took place in Berlin, from 18 – 20 November 2015, was closed following three days of presentations and discussions by some of the leading thinkers in the areas of affordability, sustainability and livability. More than 120 attendees gathered to develop concrete recommendations as a step towards developing Europe’s housing agenda. read more...

newsResponse to migrant crisis

Habitat Macedonia provides shelter on the Greece-Macedonia border

Responding to one of the world’s worst crises that currently affects Middle East and Europe, Habitat Macedonia started providing, as of mid-October, shelter for the migrants and refugees that await registration by Macedonian authorities, before they are let to the transit center at the Greece-Macedonia border. read more...

newsMarking World Habitat Day

Habitat Macedonia and the students from high school NOVA raising awareness regarding the importance of public spaces

In order to mark World Habitat Day and this year’s topic “Public spaces for all”, Habitat for Humanity Macedonia and the students from the international high school NOVA organized an exhibition of photographs from public spaces around the city. The students’ photographs are at the same time a call to the community to improve the conditions of the public spaces, thus to contribute towards better quality of life for everyone. read more...

newsHousing market development

Habidom licensed by the Regulatory commission for housing

Habidom, the residential building management company established by Habitat Macedonia as part of its Business plan 2016-2018, has been granted license by the Macedonian Regulatory Commission for Housing. According to the Macedonian Condominium Law, this is a precondition for the company to start operating in the sector of management of apartment buildings. read more...

newsHFHI Growth Strategy

Habitat Macedonia’s new business plan 2016-2018 agreed

After being identified by Habitat for Humanity International as having a program that is potentially sustainable at scale that can be made replicable and provide significant value to other national organizations, HFHI invited Habitat Macedonia to join a small global cohort of 10 Growth Pilot Countries for the purposes of developing and testing models that would support the Global Growth Strategy. Consequently, Habitat Macedonia turned its focus on developing national level strategy and business plan, an effort that resulted in Growth Strategy Agreement, effective as of July 1, 2015. read more...

newsPartnership with FOSM and NRC

Roma legalization project
in its final phase

After four years of implementation the Roma Housing Legalization project enters its final stage. The project, implemented by Habitat Macedonia and its partners Foundation Open Society Macedonia and the National Roma Centrum, supports the most vulnerable Roma families in their effort to legalize their homes, based on the Law on Proceeding with Illegally Built Objects, adopted in 2011. read more...

newsCooperative Agreement with USAID

Improving energy efficiency in the residential sector

In April 2015 USAID and Habitat Macedonia finalized the complex, four component project aimed at improving energy efficiency in the residential sector. read more...


Residential Energy Efficiency Investor Forum held in Skopje

On 25th of March 2015, USAID and Habitat for Humanity Macedonia Energy Efficiency for the Housing Sector Project hosted The Residential Energy Efficiency (EE) Investor Forum in Skopje. More than 50 participants from the public and private sector discussed the needs and opportunities for investment in energy efficiency in Macedonia’s residential sector. read more...

news6 October

World Habitat Day

World Habitat Day is one day of the year which reminds us that we need to rededicate ourselves to a world where everyone has decent place to live and to join our efforts until the right to adequate shelter is recognized as a basic human right. read more...

newsStudents help families in need

First Japanese GV team worked at the Veles build site

From March 1 till March 14, 2014 a group of Japanese students visited Macedonia and were involved in Habitat for Humanity’s Global Village volunteer program. The group helped by working alongside with partner families who were selected for the Habitat’s New Builds Program which helps with housing for families in need. Sharing their workload were the Honorary Board member of HFH Macedonia Mary Jo Wohlers and the Honorary Consul-General of Japan in Skopje Kazu Lesnikovska. The partner families and all the volunteers manage to build all the walls for three units and many of the wooden trusses needed for the roof of the building. read more...

newsPartnerships for energy efficiency

New memorandum for continuation of the cooperation with the municipality of Centar

Habitat Macedonia and the municipality of Centar in Skopje will continue the successful cooperation after the new Mayor Andrej Zernovski confirmed that the municipality will maintain its financial support for new thermal insulation façade installment to the existing collective apartment buildings, for the purpose of reducing the consumption of heating energy. read more...

newsECA Housing Forum 2013

Two HFH Macedonia projects presented in Geneva

It was an honor for HFH Macedonia two of its ongoing projects to be selected and presented at the 2nd Housing Forum Europe & Central Asia, organized by four partnering organizations: Habitat for Humanity International, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). read more...

newsImproved housing for people with disabilities

How can I help?

Habitat for Humanity Macedonia believes that a decent home is the first step towards social inclusion. Access to adequate housing is necessary in order to achieve progress and social development for all. In response, Habitat for Humanity Macedonia launched the campaign Social Inclusion through a Decent Home for Special Needs Individuals on February 8, 2013 in Volkovo. Under the slogan, "How can I help?" the campaign's objective is to raise public awareness about the housing needs of people who live with disabilities. read more...

newsFY2012 results

Record High Number of Families Served

Fiscal year that ended June 30, 2012 has been an exceptional one for HFH Macedonia, as it reached the record high number of families served through both construction interventions and Housing Support Services (HSS). This performance ranks the Macedonian national organizations among the top performers within Habitat for Humanity International, network that has operations in 90 countries. read more...

newsHousing for people with special needs

Finnerty Family Foundation joins Habitat

The extremely poor living conditions that John Finnerty witnessed during one of his earlier visits to Macedonia, particularly among families with special needs members, made him decide to take one-of-a-kind action. This summer he went to the village of Rasche, situated on the outskirts of the capital Skopje, and met a family he already knew... read more...

newsEnergy Efficiency

Partnership with Municipality of Centar

New partnership with one of Skopje's municipalities – Municipality of Centar was established after signing a Memorandum for Cooperation on July 12, 2012. This way, HFH Macedonia's program Energy Efficient Homes has been extended to another Skopje municipality. read more...

newsCorporate Social Responsibility

ArcelorMittal Supports Energy Efficient Interventions

The first housing microloans aimed to improve the energy efficiency of individual homes of low-income families were disbursed during April 2012, thanks to the financial support to HFH Macedonia provided by ArcelorMittal. It is planed the revolving fund established for this particular purpose to remain operational as long as there is interest for this type of interventions. read more...

newsCooperative Agreement with USAID

Buildings Selection in Progress

After formally launching the Energy Efficiency for the Housing Sector project in December 2011, fully transparent process of apartment buildings selection in the municipalities included in the first round of the project implementation: Karpos, Veles, Kumanovo and Tetovo has taken place during the first quarter of 2012. The public announcements being published in two daily newspapers Dnevnik, in Macedonian language, and Koha, in Albanian language, followed by informative sessions for the homeowner associations organized in the respective municipalities, resulted in 36 applications. read more...

newsNew EIDHR funded project

Indicators for Social Inclusion in Housing

As of January 2012 the Delegation of the European Union in Skopje through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) has selected another HFH Macedonia project for funding over the next 12 months. The overall objective of the project named Developing Indicators for Social Inclusion in Housing is to support the implementation of the National Strategy on Alleviation of Poverty and Social Exclusion by developing reference indicators in order to measure the progress in the process of social inclusion. read more...

newsClosing Conference

Housing and human rights

Habitat for Humanity Macedonia within the project "Promoting housing rights for the Roma", financed by the European Union, held a closing conference "Housing and human rights" on 15th of February in Skopje. read more...

newsNew Project

Legalization of housing for Roma families

Habitat for Humanity Macedonia, Foundation Open Society - Macedonia (FOSM), and the National Roma Center (NRC) signed a cooperation and implementation agreement for the project "Legalization of Housing for the Roma" on January 18, 2012. read more...

newsIntroducing Habitat for Humanity Macedonia

AmCham promoting Corporate Social Responsibility through Habitat for Humanity Macedonia

The American Chamber of Commerce in Macedonia (AmCham Macedonia) hosted a Christmas reception with a concept to promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and give opportunity of the attendees to learn about CSR activities through Habitat for Humanity Macedonia. The AmCham Executive Director, Ms. Sonja McGurk welcomed the guests and informed the members on past activities and achievements of the chamber as well as encouraged the CSR practices through Habitat for Humanity Macedonia. read more...

newsLaunch Event

Energy efficiency for housing sector project

On December 15, 2011, the Energy efficiency for housing sector project announced its official launch. The launching event was opened with a welcome from the Habitat for Humanity Macedonia Deputy Director - Program, Ms. Liljana Alceva. She introduced the key speakers of the event, the Minister of Economy, Mr. Valon Saraqini, the USAID Mission Director, Mr. Robert Wuertz and Habitat for Humanity Macedonia National Director, Mr. Zoran Kostov. read more...

newsNew project

Improving Homes for SOS Families

Habitat for Humanity Macedonia established a partnership with the Macedonian SOS Children's Village "SOS Detsko Selo Makedonija" with an overall goal of improvement of the living standards within the SOS Children's village in Skopje. The goal of the project is to significantly improve the housing conditions and reduce the maintenance costs of 12 family houses in the SOS Children's Village in Skopje by reconstructing the bathrooms. read more...

newsNew project

Housing needs assessment for UNHCR on the housing conditions of 185 families

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Habitat for Humanity Macedonia established a partnership with a goal of assisting 185 families with former refugee status in improving their housing conditions, including families that have a family member with a refugee status. read more...

newsNew Builds Program

Habitat for Humanity Macedonia and partner families sign contracts to become part of the New Builds program

Yesterday, April 28th, Habitat for Humanity Macedonia and its partner families signed the contracts with which the families became a part of the New Builds program in Veles . The Governing Board of HFHM, the vice-president of the ECA office, Don Haszczyn, US Ambassador Phillip T. Reeker and his wife Solveig, a team of volunteers from the US, as well as Veles Mayor Goran Petrov, attended the event. read more...


New project

HFH Macedonia implements EU project on Promoting Housing Rights for the Roma

Habitat for Humanity Macedonia was selected by the European Union to implement a project on the promotion of housing rights for Roma in Macedonia. The project will be carried out in target municipalities of Shuto Orizari, Tetovo, Gostivar and Kumanovo with high Roma populations over an implementation period of one year (12/2010 – 12/2011). read more...



HFH Macedonia Implements USAID’s Pilot Project

Habitat for Humanity Macedonia, acting as a local partner of the US Agency for International Development, is taking part in a pilot-project aimed towards an assessment of the savings in residential buildings energy consumption after energy efficiency measures have been implemented. read more...



Combating Social Exclusion in Housing

HFH Macedonia’s Executive Director Dr. Zoran Kostov was invited by the Macedonian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy earlier this year, to join the expert team that was assigned to draft the 2010-2020 National Strategy for Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion. Dr. Kostov was particularly responsible for the Strategy’s Transport, Communication and Housing chapters. read more...



John Finnerty Received by the Macedonian President

In recognition of his continuing support to HFH Macedonia and its low income partner-families, John Finnerty, the Executive Director of HFH East and Central Pasco has been received on August 17, 2010 by the Macedonian President Djorge Ivanov. The reception was held at the presidential summer residence in Ohrid. Zoran Kostov, National Director of HFH Macedonia, attended the reception as well. read more...


Energy Efficiency

Partnering with the Municipality of Karposh

On May 6th, Habitat for Humanity Macedonia and the Municipality of Karposh officially launched a partnership that involves energy efficiency upgrades for 112 apartments in apartment building 10 on Boulevard “September 8th” in Skopje. This project is a part of Habitat for Humanity Macedonia’s ongoing Energy Efficient Homes Program through which interventions for 28 apartment units in Kavadarci have already been completed. read more...


Safe Drinking Water for Vasilevo

World Water Day

The United Nations have designated March 22nd as World Water Day, devoting this day to focusing public attention to the critical water issues worldwide, the most pressing of which is the fact that a staggering 884 million people in the world lack access to safe drinking water. At Habitat for Humanity Macedonia we wanted to mark this day by remind our friends and supporters about the important role that providing access to clean and safe drinking water has in the work that we do in the rural communities. read more...


Emergency Assistance for Haiti

Ricky Martin and Habitat for Humanity International’s CEO Jonathan Reckford Travel to Haiti In Support of Habitat’s Haitian Recovery Efforts

Habitat for Humanity will help clear debris from home sites, provide shelter kits, and repair and build new houses as part of its recovery plan in Haiti.

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Jan. 19, 2010) — Ricky Martin traveled to Port-au-Prince today with Habitat for Humanity International’s CEO Jonathan Reckford to visit one of the earthquake-ravaged neighborhoods in the capital city. Martin was moved by the massive devastation caused by the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck last week and just as he did following the Dec. 2004 Asian tsunami, traveled as quickly as possible to the affected region. read more...



Macedonian President volunteered with Habitat at the new builds site Veles

President of the Republic of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, visited and volunteered at HFH Macedonia’s new builds site in the town of Veles on September 11th, 2009, expressing his support to the organization’s cause of poverty housing eradication. The visit coincided with the National Day of Service and Remembrance in the US and President Barack Obama’s volunteering with Habitat for Humanity in Washington DC. read more...



Energy Efficiency in Focus

HFH Macedonia initiates a new pilot-project focused solely on financing and replacement of the existing energy un-efficient windows and doors, increasing that way the thermo insulation capabilities of the homes of low income families. read more...

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